Importance of generating traffic through social media.

How do you generate organic traffic to your social media in 2023?
Producing engaging posts that create a "call to action", provoke emotion or provide knowledge will encourage users to interact with the content you post.

How SEO will affect social media in 2023
In the past we've seen hashtags used to target users who search a specific keyword. In a way, this was foreshadowing how SEO works today. In order to optimize your social media, you'll want to use keywords and phrases in your video, posts, and captions in order to increase your ranking on the results page.
Are you using social media without a plan?
A lot of business owners disregard social media as an effective marketing strategy. Without a target audience it can be extremely ineffectual! In order to market effectively, identify your target audience, schedule your content ahead of time and focus on your demographic.

How SEO will affect social media in 2023
in the past we've seen hashtags used to target users who search a specific keyword. In a way, this was foreshadowing how SEO works today. In order to optimize your social media, you'll want to use keywords and phrases in your video, posts, captions in order to increase your ranking on the results page.
Are you using social media without a plan?
A lot of business owners disregard social media as an effective marketing strategy. Without a target audience it can be extremely ineffectual! In order to market effectively, identify your target audience, schedule your content ahead of time and focus on your demographic.
Social Media Post Template
A visually appealing Instagram feed can help attract new followers, build brand awareness and help you reach your target audience. Think of your Instagram layout as your company's mood board and a way to communicate the aesthetic and vision of your business. Your Instagram layout should be narrative-centric and tell a story about what it is you do, who your ideal customer is and who you are as a team. This can be a lot harder than it sounds so here are a few templates tat might help you start brainstorming content ideas and your feed layout.

Row vertically


Row by row


Double Alternate

Tiles or checkers
Social Media Post Examples
Post quality content that will increase engagement by providing knowledge, or simply asking a question to your audience. Which creates an emotion from your followers.
As an example, the "wordle" post has viewers wondering whether they would have gotten the wordle correct while simultaneously providing unique and fun content that reflects your brand!