We want more reviews but how do we ask for them?
Great question! I think most people find it difficult or at the very least, uncomfortable, to ask for reviews. I think it’s even harder for those in healthcare. Most businesses today are asking for reviews one way or another. They have links on their websites and social media pages. They…
Read MoreWhen good logos go bad…and how to get it right!
Bored scrolling through your phone? Check out Logo Quiz on the App Store or Google Play. You’ll be challenged to see if you can identify the brand name behind more than 3000 logos. There are a whopping 52 “exciting levels”. You can amp up the challenge in expert mode, and…
Read MoreI am a start-up and I’m investing in marketing to gain new customers. What can I do to build customer loyalty?
This is such a great question. I love customer service, that’s why I do what I do. I think hiring the right team is the first thing to focus on when trying to build customer loyalty. I have spoken to many clients who say they hired a staff member…
Read MoreDo-it-yourself Websites, the Pros and Cons
You might think it would be counterintuitive for a marketing agency to write about the pros and cons of building your own website. But at the end of the day, we want our clients to be well informed about all their options. We want to guide them in making the…
Read MoreIs Search Engine Optimization (SEO) worth the ongoing investment?
Search Engine Optimization is a critical component to the success of any digital marketing campaign. If you aren’t evolving and optimizing with Google’s changes, then you will be a small needle, in a constantly growing and changing haystack. Search Engine Optimization is a highly competitive, ever-changing landscape. In order to…
Read MoreAre you growing your business from the inside out?
You’re a business owner, so naturally one of your primary concerns is attracting new customers. Marketing strategies are critical for growth and that’s where Ai Healthcare Marketing will go to work for you. As a marketing agency, we help you develop the tools you need to reach out and get…
Read MoreHow to know if it’s time to update your website in 2019 – Part 2
How’s Your Website Performing? If you didn’t catch our last blog about how to decide if 2019 is the year you should make some website changes, we discussed how the visual appearance of your website affects the user experience, creates excitement and promotes consumer engagement. However, it’s not just about…
Read MoreSEO in 2019
Search Engine Optimization or SEO as it is widely known, is Essential for any Dental Practice that wants to get New Patients from the Web or Online in 2019. The job of SEO is simply to get your potential new patient to see your Dental Practice on the Organic or…
Read MoreHow to know if it’s time to update your website in 2019 – Part 1
Curb Appeal Website stuff (that’s a super technical term) can be daunting for a business owner. Let’s face it, there is A LOT to know and understand. There’s the technical, analytical side of things coupled with the ‘make it look pretty’ catch their eye design element as well. It takes…
Read MoreYour Dental Marketing Budget
With the end of every year, comes the time when budgets should be created. A successful practice knows how they did this year, what they will be doing next year and the goal for the next five years. Those who prepare have success on their side. These forward-thinking doctors know what…
Read MoreBRANDING: Lesson Learned
Rancher Smith had a new bride and new piece of land. He took what little he had and invested in a small herd of cattle. He took pride in his accomplishment. He was now able to provide for his wife. Along came spring and not only did his herd grow,…
Read MoreDeveloping Content for Your Website
One of the most common requests we receive from doctors is for a website with “super clean homepage design without clutter or too many words”. While it might sound easy, this is often the hardest thing for us to do. Doctors also want their new website to rank high in the search…
Read MoreLogo Design Basics – Making Your Logo Work for You
A logo is the visual that people remember about a company. The right logo can connect with our memories or interests and cause us to stop and look at it. A logo triggers an instant visual impression of your practice, representing the brand and marketing message you want to send. A…
Read MoreMarketing Consistency – the Foundation for Marketing Success
A dental practice, just like any other business, must create and implement a marketing plan to achieve long-term business success. And a successful marketing plan requires consistency. Consistency in marketing moves a business’ product or service into the category of “familiar, trustworthy, and a safe bet.” Marketing consistency includes harmony…
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